Krispy Peanut Butter Truffles

News flash… Halloween is only 3 days away!! Yikes… Are you scared?

Ok, so that’s probably really only news to me. I’ve been out of it lately. Last weekend, my hubby and I took a nice long weekend trip to Boston for my birthday. It was fantastic to get away, and I love visiting Boston… But, it got me out of my usual routine a bit, and I’ve had trouble recovering. So, the fact that Halloween is a few short days away escaped me entirely, and I have yet to do anything festive… Until this morning, that is.

I’ve been somewhat exhausted and not feeling great ever since we got home, but this morning I woke up feeling much better… And, I was feeling somewhat inspired to whip something up in the kitchen. Thought I’m not a big Halloween person (I’m more pumpkins and leaves than ghosts and goblins), I couldn’t let the holiday pass without doing something, right? Tonight is the Trick-or-Treat night in our neighborhood, too, so I figured I’d get in the mood by making some easy treats.

Though I was feeling inspired, I hadn’t really prepared for any Halloween treats, so I had to work with what was in the pantry. I have yet to develop the skill to imagine pantry items and have them magically appear without a trip to the grocery store. I need a personal shopper. Anyway, I pulled out a few of my favorite pantry staples and the bag of fall colored M&Ms that I bought a few weeks ago thinking I’d “make something” and the result was these krispy peanut butter truffles. I’m calling them “truffles” because I can’t think of a better name (balls, bites, treats…. blah). Whatever you want to call them, they are quite tasty (and dangerous to have around… I’ve been snacking on them this afternoon, so I need to give them away ASAP).

Friday Favorites – Episode 70

I just love this time of year… Don’t you? The leaves here have started to change, and I have been enjoying the crisp, cold air in the mornings when I head out for a run. Plus, the holidays are right around the corner. Seriously… What could be better?

This time of year always gets me into the mood for holiday foods and comforting meals that warm up the chilly nights. I’ve already started contemplating all of the recipes I want to try for the holidays, so I think that may have influenced my picks a bit this week. If you’re in a chilly weather baking mood, I think you’ll like them, too!

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