Cookie Cutter Gift Tags (WFMW)

Today’s Works for Me Wednesday theme is to share a holiday tip or gift idea… I had so many ideas that it was hard to choose just one. I don’t always remember to participate in the themed editions at the beginning of each month, but I couldn’t miss out on sharing a holiday tip!

I love making homemade gifts, decorating, and putting together gift baskets. I just love it! So, as you might imagine, I had quite a few ideas for this post… After much thought and consideration, I decided to share my chocolate filled cookie cutter gift tags. They are easy to make and a really fun way to jazz up a holiday gift.

Cocoa Cardamom Espresso Roasted Almonds

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner, hopefully you’ve already finalized your menu and are well on your way to a spectacular dinner! If not, you can always check out last week’s Friday Favorites for my collection of favorite Thanksgiving recipes.

Now that dinner’s taken care of, let’s talk about a fun snack for your guests to nibble on when they arrive. I always like to have a few bites and snacks available to keep everyone occupied while I’m cooking dinner and getting everything together.

Lately, one of my favorite snacks is roasted almonds. Almost everyone I know loves to munch on nuts (and they’re not so filling that they’ll spoil your dinner!), but I prefer to make my own than buy a can of pre-seasoned nuts. By roasting my own almonds, I have the opportunity to get a bit creative with fun flavors.

Chocolate and Cherry Pumpernickel Muffins

It’s no secret that I love baking. So, this year for my birthday, my parents got me a gift certificate for King Arthur Flour. And, I didn’t waste much time before I was scouring their website trying to decide what to order.

It honestly took me almost a week to figure out what I wanted to order… And, that’s not because there was nothing that I wanted. It was quite the opposite… I wanted to try everything all at once! Among the items in my cart were a few specialty flours, flavors, and even some fresh sourdough starter. And, as soon as the box arrived on my doorstep, I got started baking. Wouldn’t you?

One of the specialty flours that I ordered was the organic pumpernickel flour. Honestly, I’m not sure what led me to choose pumpernickel other than that I have never really used it before. Plus, I was already dreaming of the combination of chocolate and pumpernickel. Though I know it’s not traditional, I always love the soft pumpernickel breads made with dark cocoa and molasses. I had some dried sour cherries on hand, too, so I knew they would have to be worked into the recipe in one way or another.

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