Friday Favorites – Episode 81

This week has been a busy one for me… I haven’t had a lot of unusual appointments on my schedule, but I’ve been trying to accomplish a lot. In addition to my usual cooking, baking, and writing, I’ve also been in the process of redesigning the site… Making changes to the site are also pretty time consuming for me. I have been known to stare at different fonts for 2 hours at a time and rearrange the same widgets 10 times because I can’t decide which layout looks best!

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

One week and counting until Valentine’s Day!

As you may have guessed, my favorite part about Valentine’s Day is desserts. I’ve mentioned before that my hubby and I don’t usually go all out for Valentine’s Day gifts. I’m perfectly OK with that. Valentine’s Day desserts are a different story… For me, it’s just not Valentine’s Day without a decadent dessert. I don’t need diamonds, but please don’t mess with my chocolate!

Perfectly Drizzled Chocolate (WFMW)

Valentine’s Day is less than two weeks away… Are you ready?

My husband and I don’t usually go all out with Valentine’s Day… It’s just not our thing. There are no diamonds or extravagant gifts (though I wouldn’t be entirely opposed to that). We usually make a point to get each other a card and (when we remember) a small gift. Instead, we usually make a special dinner together (which is rare) and make some chocolate covered strawberries.

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