Friday Favorites – Episode 77

It’s Friday already, and it has been a whole week since I had my hand surgery! I am happy to announce that I am doing very well… Thank you all for your concern and well wishes! My fingers have been freed from “the claw” (the name my husband and I fondly named my giant bandage), and, though I have to be careful, I am getting back to my normal activities… Most importantly, I can now type two-handed again!

I will be getting back into the kitchen soon (I hope), which means there will be more new recipes to come next week. In the meantime, though, let’s take a look at some of the fantastic blog posts I came across this week!

Friday Favorites – Christmas Entertaining (Episode 75)

If you’re much like me, you’ve probably rushed around to finish all of your shopping and get the gifts wrapped so that you have next week to focus on food. Granted, I do make a lot of homemade gifts, so I don’t have ALL of my gifts done. But, I would much rather spend the week before Christmas in my kitchen listening to Christmas music while I cook and bake. It sure beats pushing your way through the super-crowded stores looking for last minute gifts! I suppose that it’s also a good time to clean the house if you have guests coming, but we won’t talk much about that.

Since I spent last week introducing you to more cookies than you could ever possibly bake during one holiday season (that’s a challenge… I dare you!), I thought it would good to focus this week’s Friday Favorites post on holiday entertaning! After all, we can’t live on cookies alone (or can we?).

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